Are Noises coming from your MINI Cooper engine compartment keeping you up at night with dreams of another “sticker shock” repair?
MINI Coopers have a history of a horrible rattling noise coming from the engine compartment. In many cases it’s related to the disintegration of the timing chain mechanism. The repair requires replacing many of the timing chain mechanism parts, and the price can come to well over a $1000! But the good news is, sometimes it may not be as bad as it sounds.
In the photo above, Stephen, one of the BA Auto Care technicians, is holding up the timing chain tensioner that failed on this particular MINI Cooper. Fortunately, this part can be replaced without replacing all the other timing chain parts. Careful diagnosis and an inspect of the timing chain system is essential in getting to the most cost efficient, quality repair.
If you are hearing noises coming from your engine, don’t jump to conclusions. Take your car to a trusted, experienced MINI Cooper repair shop, and save the worrying for after the diagnosis – it may be totally unnecessary.