How Do You Know When to Change Your Tires?

How Do You Know When to Change Your Tires?

Part of any preventative maintenance should include the careful evaluation of your vehicles tires at least every 6 months. Tires are the most critical part of your car. They should be in excellent condition so your car steers, brakes and accelerates properly. Good tires keep you safe, so we include a comprehensive tire evaluation every time you bring your car in for preventative maintenance.

The Benefits of the New Intelligent Lighting Systems Under Development for Cars

The Benefits of the New Intelligent Lighting Systems Under Development for Cars

In 2017 I bought a Chevrolet Bolt, and it came with a very handy feature: automatic activation of the low beam whenever I encountered a car coming in the other direction. Just recently, the federal government authorized the use of a more advanced intelligent headlight lighting system. According to Bosch, one of the major developers of this new headlight system, here are the four major benefits