Close your eyes and imagine the enticing aroma of a summer barbecue… Well, right here at our auto service and repair shop in Columbia, Maryland we have a summer time visitor. A van towing a barbeque trailer pulls up along side our property and sets up shop.
Early in the morning the wood fire is lit, and about an hour later the smell of cooking drifts through our auto repair shop. The small barbeque business has attracted many customers. Now they have tables and chairs for them. Our automotive technicians have worn a small trail up the bank to the barbeque. When noon time comes around the volume of traffic increases, and soon the junction is a hive of activity. Columbia Association trucks pull up; office workers swing by; others arrive on foot and bike to enjoy this freshly cooked barbeque. If you are ever in the area give them a try. Plus, if you book for a “while you wait” auto service around noon you can have lunch from the barbeque truck while we service your car! I can’t think of a better way to pass the time waiting during a quick car service appointment. Ummmm… I can almost taste the barbecue now!