Recently, a BA Auto Care customer was driving out of Washington, D.C. when there was a loud bang indicating that he had hit something in the road. This was followed by the oil warning light coming on and a message saying low oil pressure.
Our customer did the right thing and stopped driving even though he was not in the best part of town. He called Better World Auto Club, and they said they would arrive in an hour. A local resident came up to him and said that this was not a good place to hang around so he went to a local Wendys and called his wife. He did not have time to settle down when along came the tow truck, only 15 minutes from when he had called. In no time at all he was on his way back to Columbia. We repaired the car, and because he stopped as soon as he saw the warning light come on, no damage was done to the engine.
Moral to the story: STOP when you see a oil warning light come on, and join the BETTER WORLD AUTO CLUB for great service.
For more information on when to stop and call for a tow truck and when it’s okay to keep driving, check out this blog post.