In this era of online customer ratings and rankings, there are tons of places where people can submit and find reviews or rankings of products, services and companies, including auto repair shops. Automobile owners no longer have to rely solely on companies like AAA that might have a financial interest in an industry where they are also serving as a watchdog.
With all these places to get information, the difficulty for potential customers is in determining which review sites can be trusted to provide an accurate snapshot of the business.
One of the sites we’ve found to be trustworthy is Angie’s List. AAAAAA or six ‘A’ ratings is the top rating an auto service and repair shop can receive on Angie’s List. Ratings can range anywhere from an ‘A’ for excellent to an ‘F’ for lousy. Customers provide ratings in each the following six categories:
- Overall evaluation
- Price
- Quality
- Responsiveness
- Punctuality
- Professionalism
What makes Angie’s List trustworthy and different from other review sites? One of the key differences is that customers have to pay for a membership to access the information on Angie’s list. Members know that service is only as good as the quality of the reviews, and this leads Angie’s List members to take their job of reviewing businesses seriously. Amongst review sites, Angie’s List stands out as a place where you can provide and get an honest snapshot of a business versus a place where people go to gripe.
Some of the other data gathered in the review process includes:
- Details about the service received.
- Whether or not the member would hire that service again.
- The cost of service performed.
- A description of work.
- Additional comments the member would like to provide.
Angie’s List data is extremely important for a business because it allows them to see when they are providing great service, to catch anything not being rated an A or a B, and to quickly see how to improve.
Employees love to see the Angie’s List reviews because it gives great encouragement when they see AAAAAA on a job that they have performed.
Check out Angie’s List for not only auto repair and service but for other services you may need as well. The small yearly investment will save you money and time.
You’ll find BA Auto Care ratings on Angie’s List as well, but of course, you’ve got to be a member to view them.