You Can Save Money by Buying Automotive Parts Online, but…
This blog post was originally published in 2011, but has been updated to reflect the fact that beginning September 1, 2016, BA Auto Care began covering all major repairs for three years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first.
Buying a Car at an Auction? Buyer Beware!
Buying a car at an auction is a very risky business. We have seen very few cases where it has turn out well.
Why Did My Car’s New Alternator Fail?
When people have their car alternator replaced, the expectation is that the repair will last at least as long as the expected life of the new alternator, four to five years or anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 miles.
Retiring an Old 2001 Saab to the Junkyard
When is the right time to retire an old car versus repairing it, and what exactly happens when you decide to retire an old car to the junkyard?
Car Won’t Shift into 1st Gear? You May Not Need a New Clutch.
Sometimes knowing a little can get you into big trouble. We have all done it. We start what seems like a small job, like plumbing, and have it turn out to be a major issue –the kind of problem that makes you wish you had called the plumber in the first place.
What Would the Best Auto Service in Howard County Look Like?
When running a small business, it’s hard to know sometimes if you are doing the right thing from the perspective of the customer.
Daytime Running Lights – Some Things You Should Know
Daytime running lights have been around for a while, but many people still don’t know exactly how they function as well as the benefits to drivers.
Clutch Failures: 5 Ways to Avoid Them + 2 Case Studies
Over the past month or so we had two customers whose vehicle experienced an extreme clutch failure only months after having the clutch replaced. Clutches should last over 100,000 miles, and these two clutches failed in a very dramatic way! They had been entirely burnt out.
Fixing Aluminum Wheel Corrosion Without Replacement
When a car has been on the road a number of years a chemical reaction between the wheel, air and water can damage the wheel resulting in a less than optimal seal between the wheel and the tire. This can cause the tire to lose air pressure.
Maxi Noise From a MINI
Are Noises coming from your MINI Cooper engine compartment keeping you up at night with dreams of another “sticker shock” repair?
Local Auto Repair Shop Hits Over 1 Million Page Views
Milestones are great.They signal an achievement — progress toward a goal.
Top 10 Handbrake Questions a.k.a Parking Brakes 101
We often get questions on handbrakes. Some of our customers aren’t sure when or how to use them. We thought it would be a good idea to do a Q&A on the top 10 questions asked related to the handbrake. Importantly, on some cars the “handbrake” is actually a foot pedal. It’s also called an emergency brake or parking brake.