There are pros and cons to any vehicle you purchase. Some you know before you buy a vehicle and then there are the things you don’t find out until the vehicle gets older or you’ve owned it awhile. To keep you informed before you buy, here are the following pros and cons to owning a European vehicle and an Asian vehicle.
European Car Ownership
- First to use innovative technology
- Driver oriented design
- Performance oriented for speed and handling
- Prestige and style
- Enthusiast following with clubs and support
- Greater brake and tire wear expense
- After 100k they become expensive to service and repair.
- Losses value fast
- Parts cost more than other makes
Asian Car Ownership
- Reliable
- Uses only proven technology
- Always updating and improving
- Maintenance less expensive
- If maintained well they can last 200,000 + without major expenses such as engine and transmission
- Practical
- Fewer pattern failures
- More basic design
- Resale value high (cost more upfront when buying used)
- Somewhat smaller in size