Does your car rarely leave your parking spot, driveway, or garage? If you aren’t logging many miles on your vehicle then there are some adjustments you can follow when having your car serviced to ensure you’re getting the most for your service dollar.
Preventative Maintenance
The Most Over Looked Auto Service!
No matter what car you own, you should have a tire inspection at least every six months. It is the most over looked auto service, and it’s extremely important when it comes to your safety.
Clean Automotive Intake Valves and Why it Matters
Recently four of BA Auto Care’s technicians returned from four days of training in Kansas City. The big topic of conversation among them was the build-up of carbon on the valves due to direct fuel injection. I came across this blog that talks about issues related to carbon build up on BMW Mini valves.
Predict High Auto Maintenance Cost – Gage Your Car’s Fun Factor
Not long ago, I came across an article on, Highest Maintenance Cost Cars. I thought about it a bit, and realized, there is a really easy test you can do to determine which cars will be expensive to maintain. Simply ask yourself, “How fun is this car to drive?”
Taking on the Responsibility of Auto Maintenance
In the midst of this holiday season, I find myself reflecting on the coming New Year and the opportunity for change and renewal that it offers.
7 Items You Might Miss If You Only See Your Auto Mechanic Once A Year
Are you getting a full preventative maintenance service done on your car at least every six months? If you aren’t chances are you could be missing some things that could cause problems now or later on. It could be something simple that causes you to get less efficient gas mileage or something serious like compromised vehicle safety.
Think Oil Changes Every 3000 Miles Are All You Need? Better Read This
Over the past several years, there’s been a lot of attention paid to getting an oil change every 3000 miles. Lube shops that do oil changes and services are now prevalent and accepted in the industry, but is getting an oil service on your car every 3000 miles all the preventive maintenance you need?
Our Top 5 Blog Posts – From State Inspections to Windshield Wipers
May of this year marked our second year of creating blogs on auto repairs and services. We’ve covered a lot of topics, but 96 blogs later, we thought it would be a good idea to highlight the top five blog posts of all time in one article. The blogs are rated based on the number of views since May 14th, 2010.
Headlight Restoration – From Cloudy to Clear
A simple headlamp restoration job can take your headlights from cloudy to clear. In the video below, we show a headlamp restoration in process at our Columbia, MD auto repair shop.
Most Drivers Need ‘Severe Driving Conditions’ Auto Service – Do You?
If your idea of “severe driving conditions” is limited to driving on roads like the one below. Think again.
Just an Oil Change and Lube Please
It is a short sentence, but it shows how much people do not understand about what is involved in performing a quality oil change!
Oil Warning Light On — Stop to Prevent Costly Car Engine Damage
Recently, a BA Auto Care customer was driving out of Washington, D.C. when there was a loud bang indicating that he had hit something in the road. This was followed by the oil warning light coming on and a message saying low oil pressure.