Since Covid-19 there has been a greater interest in how to keep your car’s ventilation system clean and fresh. The main component that filters the air coming into a car is the “cabin air filter”. In normal times this filter is inspected or replaced at around 15,000 miles or 18 months if it’s dirty.
Preventative Maintenance
The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking Care of Your Car During the Pandemic
These were normally questions asked only by our older, retired customers. Now, with the pandemic, more cars are sitting in garages and driveways, prompted most of our customers to ask these questions.
Does your car suffer from a Quick Lube Dependency?
Recently we’ve seen several new customers bring their cars into the shop for emergency repairs. We discovered that both vehicles were in terrible condition caused by something we call “Quick Lube Dependency.”
The Importance of Checking and Servicing Your Car Battery
All car batteries come with a warranty of 3 to 4 years and many car owners follow a policy of install it and forget it. However, with the onset of COVID and many cars sitting idle for longer periods of time, corrosion can build up on battery terminals and prevent your battery from receiving a proper charge while you are driving. With cold weather just around the corner, it is important to ensure that your battery is properly prepared for the winter months.
Keep your fleet vehicles running smoothly with BA Auto Repair
When you own a fleet of vehicles for your business, time is valuable. Keeping your vehicles on the road and running smoothly translates into higher profits. At BA Auto Care, our ASE certified technicians understand the importance of keeping your fleet on the road. We provide a full ranges of auto repair services to fit your needs, including a preventive maintenance program that will keep your fleet vehicles running longer.
450000 Miles and Still Going Strong
My blog earlier this month dealt with the trend of keeping older, low tech vehicles. Proof positive of this recent movement in car ownership is our long time customer, Bill Homans. Bill stopped by recently to celebrate his 2012 Kia Sedona reaching an impressive 450,000 miles! And those were not easy miles. Bill spends his time delivering flowers all over the Frederick area. That’s a lot of stopping and starting.
How to Get New Life Out of Your Old Car
New automobile owner research shows that more and more people are hanging on longer to their old cars, choosing to keep them running instead of buying a new car right away.
Maximizing your MPG and Tire Life
Here are 4 tips that will extend the life of your tires and keep you safe on the road: Rotate and...
Save On Repair Bills by Keeping Your Air Intake System, Trunk Seals and Hatch Seals Clean
You can save thousands of dollars in repair bills by properly maintaining the ventilation air intake system and keeping the trunk and hatch seals clean on your vehicle.
Staying Sligned, Flushing Your Power Steering and Keeping Your Engine Clean
At BA Auto Care, our techs keep your car on the road and running smoothly by following a preventative maintenance program custom designed to the unique needs of your car. Keeping your vehicle aligned properly, flushing your power steering, and flushing and cleaning your engine are essential to maintaining the health of your vehicle.
Caring for your Cooling System and Brakes
At BA Auto Care, setting up and executing an effective preventive maintenance program tailored to the specific needs of your vehicle is one of the most important things we do for you. Caring for your cooling system and brakes is essential.
Beware the Overzealous Quick Lube Manager: Discover the Benefits of Using a Full Service Auto Repair Shop
As consumers, Americans are getting accustomed to not owning anything anymore. All those software programs we used to purchase are now annual or monthly subscriptions. Even our music library isn’t really ours anymore. We’re paying a monthly subscription to stream from one of the clouds.