Is it Time to Re-Evaluate Your Service Schedule?
When we maintain our customers’ vehicles our recommendations are based on how our customers use...
Our New Era of Excellence and Sustainability
BA Auto Care founder Brian England is retiring. We're thrilled to introduce his daughter, Sandi...
My Experience with a Distracted Driver and a Car Crash
In August of 2022, my 2005 Volvo station wagon was rear ended. I was driving home from the store...
The Convenience of Having Auto Mechanics in My Family During Icy Conditions
My name is Brynn Ohlhoff, I am the 19 year old Granddaughter of BA Auto Care founder Brian England...
Are Today’s New Gasoline Mixtures Affecting Your Car’s MPG?
Recently I heard about a group of friends complaining about the lower miles per gallon (MPG) on...
What to Look for When Selecting an Electric Vehicle and Repair Shop for Your EV?
Owning an all-electric vehicle (EV) comes with its challenges. However, finding the right repair...
Planning to Purchase a Used Vehicle? Here Are Some Things You Need to Know
The percentage of people buying used cars instead of new ones has been steadily increasing in...
Why more people are keeping and repairing their existing car instead of purchasing a new car?
The trend in automobile ownership is evolving, with a growing number of people opting to keep and...
A Close to Home Story About Long-Term Car Ownership
I heard a group of people chatting about the cars they have owned over the years, and it seemed...
How Servicing Instead of Replacing Your Hybrid Battery Can Save You Money
If you drive a hybrid vehicle, you care about what happens to the environment. Until recently, the...
Does the Type of Coolant you Use in Your Car Really Matter?
A friend in Yorkshire England emailed me recently asking if the type of coolant he uses in his car...
Should You Buy a “Maintenance Service Package” From The Dealer When Buying A New Car?
Over the years this has been a question asked frequently by our customers as they start shopping...