Industry-Wide Topics

The Benefits of the New Intelligent Lighting Systems Under Development for Cars

The Benefits of the New Intelligent Lighting Systems Under Development for Cars

In 2017 I bought a Chevrolet Bolt, and it came with a very handy feature: automatic activation of the low beam whenever I encountered a car coming in the other direction. Just recently, the federal government authorized the use of a more advanced intelligent headlight lighting system. According to Bosch, one of the major developers of this new headlight system, here are the four major benefits

Don’t Sweat in Your Car This Summer

Don’t Sweat in Your Car This Summer

With all those 90 plus degree days and humidity slowing down our daily life, it is a good time to bring in your car for a quick air conditioning check. We’ll check and analyze your system to make sure you are getting maximum cooling out of you A/C. Your system may be running smoothly but a quick look now could prevent a costly repair down the road.

Getting To Know Your Car: The Key to Quality, Affordable Auto Service

Getting To Know Your Car: The Key to Quality, Affordable Auto Service

Keeping our customer’s cars in peak operating condition is one of our primary missions at BA Auto Care.  For current and long time customers, it’s a matter of keeping detailed records, understanding the maintenance history of their vehicle and keeping abreast of all the manufacturer and model information.  We take pride in our ability to provide our customers with an affordable, personalized preventive maintenance program.

Making Sense of Driver Assistant Systems on Your Car

Making Sense of Driver Assistant Systems on Your Car

As automation in auto technology fast forwards and driver assistance systems quickly become the new normal in daily driving, understanding the basics of these systems becomes paramount.  It won’t be long before we start relying on these systems to keep us safe on the road. 2018 saw driver assistant systems filter down to all makes and models. Soon we will accept and trust these systems.