BA Auto Care News

Our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2013

Our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2013

The end of one year and the start of another is a great time for some analysis. We’ve taken the time to review things that worked well and were of interest to our customers and prospective customers.

10 Great Reasons to Shop at Local, Independent Businesses

10 Great Reasons to Shop at Local, Independent Businesses

As a local business, we know firsthand, just how important it is to have (and provide) community support. By nature, auto shops typically draw customers from the local residential and business communities. I don’t know of many people who ship their car somewhere to get service!

Columbia’s AAA Car Care Center – The Issue Isn’t Competition

Columbia’s AAA Car Care Center – The Issue Isn’t Competition

Background: As many Howard County residents may know, Columbia is a planned community with many covenants that guide community development. One of the key covenants limits the amount of retail allowed for businesses in industrial parks. Covenants are negative in as much as they take away some freedom, but they are also positive because they set a standard, and this adds value.

On Angie’s List AAAAAA Trumps AAA for Car Care Every Time

In this era of online customer ratings and rankings, there are tons of places where people can submit and find reviews or rankings of products, services and companies, including auto repair shops. Automobile owners no longer have to rely solely on companies like AAA that might have a financial interest in an industry where they are also serving as a watchdog.

What Amenities Should An Auto Shop Waiting Room Provide?

What Amenities Should An Auto Shop Waiting Room Provide?

Over the past several years we have received many compliments about our auto shop waiting room.  We have compiled a list of some of the top suggestions and compliments we’ve received in the past based on this information.

Columbia, MD Auto Shop Offers Payment Plan through Bosch Service

Columbia, MD Auto Shop Offers Payment Plan through Bosch Service

There are Bosch Service Centers throughout the US, and they offer quality auto service and repairs to the motoring public. To be a Bosch Service Center the auto repair shop has to meet strict standards. Technicians have to attend classes at Bosch’s national training centers in Florida and Chicago and the shops have to meet high standards of auto service, repair and customer service.

Hybrid Car Repair in Columbia, MD

Hybrid Car Repair in Columbia, MD

If you are looking for a place to service your hybrid car in Columbia, MD, here at BA Auto Care we provide hybrid car repairs and services. In fact, as advocates of protecting the environment, we’ve made sure to keep up with hybrid car technology and to ensure we have highly qualified auto techs on hand to provide hybrid car service.