Why is My Car Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?

Why is My Car Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?

It’s that time of year again. The days are getting hotter. In fact, here in Columbia, MD we are expecting the temperature to hit the 90’s this week. If your car’s air conditioning system is blowing hot air, don’t sweat it out. Take care of it now.

Using Auto Diagnostic Check Sheets to Speed Your Auto Repair

Using Auto Diagnostic Check Sheets to Speed Your Auto Repair

When you hear a noise coming from your car, what do you do? Do you try to determine where the sound is coming from? Do you pay attention to when it happens (e.g. do you hear it when you first start the car, only after you exceed 50 mph, when you brake, during acceleration…)?

Is Your Car a Victim of the MINI Cooper Low Oil Level Epidemic?

Is Your Car a Victim of the MINI Cooper Low Oil Level Epidemic?

Based on the above definition, #2 to be exact, there is no doubt that we are experiencing an epidemic. Over the past year, we have seen dozens of Mini Coopers coming into our facility with a very low oil level. This is serious because it can dramatically reduce the life of a Mini Cooper engine!

Mercedes Owner’s $1000 Cup of Coffee

Mercedes Owner’s $1000 Cup of Coffee

When our cars are new, many of us limit consumption of food and drinks in the car.  We want to keep them clean for as long as possible.  Then, as time passes, those of us who aren’t sticklers lighten up and allow a cup of coffee, maybe a little candy or trail mix.  Well, we know of one Mercedes owner who is likely regretting his decision to allow that cup of coffee.

Why Do I Even Need An Oil Change?

Why Do I Even Need An Oil Change?

It’s interesting; so many things that we use today just don’t require much maintenance. When we purchase something like a television or a toaster oven, we don’t ever expect to have to take them to a repair shop. They may require a bit of cleaning now and then, but that’s just about all the maintenance we expect to do.

Tire Pressure Monitors – Transmitting LIVE “from a Car Tire Near You”

Tire Pressure Monitors – Transmitting LIVE “from a Car Tire Near You”

For the several years now, automobiles have been produced with tire pressure monitoring systems. These systems warn the driver whenever one of the tires has lost pressure — before it becomes a danger. This early warning system can save you from having a completly flat tire, and over the years, these systems have saved many lives and prevented a lot of inconvienence.

Maximize Winter Driving Visibility With These 10 Tips

Maximize Winter Driving Visibility With These 10 Tips

Here we are at the winter solstice, December 21, 2016. It’s the shortest day of the year. We are commuting in the dark or driving when the sun is low — at dawn in the morning or dusk in the evening — making visibility difficult. Couple this with fog, mist, ice and snow and driving becomes a real challenge.