Why & When Tires Need to be Rotated

Why & When Tires Need to be Rotated

For any novices out there, tire rotation is the process of moving tires from one location on your car to another. This includes moving them from one side to another as well as from front to back.

Does Your Car Have a Timing Belt or Timing Chain?

Does Your Car Have a Timing Belt or Timing Chain?

It makes someone very happy when they call for an estimate for a timing belt replacement on their car and I tell them their car has a timing chain! If a customer has experienced a timing belt replacement before, they know that they have to plan for an expensive repair. Timing belts can cost anywhere from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars to replace.

10 Great Reasons to Shop at Local, Independent Businesses

10 Great Reasons to Shop at Local, Independent Businesses

As a local business, we know firsthand, just how important it is to have (and provide) community support. By nature, auto shops typically draw customers from the local residential and business communities. I don’t know of many people who ship their car somewhere to get service!

It’s So Easy to Change a Car Bulb!””

It’s So Easy to Change a Car Bulb!””

Well, yes, there are bulbs that are “oh so doggone easy” but they are becoming few and far between. Making sure you have the right bulb for your automobile is complex. Installing the wrong bulb can end up causing a whole new set of problems.

Columbia’s AAA Car Care Center – The Issue Isn’t Competition

Columbia’s AAA Car Care Center – The Issue Isn’t Competition

Background: As many Howard County residents may know, Columbia is a planned community with many covenants that guide community development. One of the key covenants limits the amount of retail allowed for businesses in industrial parks. Covenants are negative in as much as they take away some freedom, but they are also positive because they set a standard, and this adds value.

On Angie’s List AAAAAA Trumps AAA for Car Care Every Time

In this era of online customer ratings and rankings, there are tons of places where people can submit and find reviews or rankings of products, services and companies, including auto repair shops. Automobile owners no longer have to rely solely on companies like AAA that might have a financial interest in an industry where they are also serving as a watchdog.

Why Didn’t Ford Look After Their Customers?

Why Didn’t Ford Look After Their Customers?

Often we are judged, not on how well we perform a job, but on how well we perform when something goes wrong. Most people understand that auto repairs and service can’t be perfect; that is why we have warranties. When it comes to a warranty issue or perhaps an issue just outside of the warranty, how an auto service provider performs becomes very important.

6 Reasons to Pick Better World Auto Club Over AAA

When it comes to choosing an auto club, not all clubs are created equal. If your auto club membership has come up for renewal, and you are wondering if you should just renew with AAA, we have a better option for you, Better World Auto Club (BWC).

13 Ways to Save Gas and Save Money

13 Ways to Save Gas and Save Money

I’ve written before about ways to save gas, but with prices continually rising, I believe it’s still a major concern for most people. We used to protest about the possibility of gas costing $2.00 a gallon? Today, $3.50+ a gallon is a daily reality. With rising prices at the pumps, here’s how can you get better gas mileage out of your vehicle.